Tuesday, November 22, 2005
i don't know what to do today but blog. seems like the day is going by so slow. i just want nighttime so that i can sleep. i wish i had some of those sleeping pills right now. i could go get some. but if sean doesn't get an answer to her phone call i'm afraid that she'll come over and i'll be not making any sense from the pills.
i found out today that they don't celebrate thanksgiving. she says they're indian so that wouldn't make sense. sean with a spanish last name wouldn't have given me a clue. she said they rent movies and have buffalo wings and poppers on thanksgiving.she has grown children but she also has a son who's 15 and her spouse, who's a female. i'm not sure when they got married, one day, i just noticed a ring on her finger. she doesn't talk about her spouse, just "we."
i know this is going to be a long hard weekend without her. she won't work friday. even though it was too much to be with her today, i know that i'll miss her over the long weekend.
i only had enough klonopin for today. i guess i should call the drugstore. but i'm not going to. can't deal with that crap. sean said yesterday that she'd call today. but i don't have a lot of faith in her memory. she probably won't even call this afternoon. she gets busy and forgets.
damned military planes sound like they're landing in the back yard. i hate them. they land about twenty minutes from here at the air force base. i really hate hearing them. they sound different from the commercial planes that land about thirty minutes from here.
i wish the fucking rain would stop.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:24 PM ::
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