Saturday, November 26, 2005
my weather pixie lies!!! she says it's sunny and 28. i see cloudy and 23. of course she's 30 minutes south so maybe she isn't lying.
oliver finally remembered how he likes to use the litterbox. he puts one back foot in, and the other three feet he uses to balance on the edge. just enough so that his butt is over the box. i don't know how he balances and pees at the same time. multi-tasking, i guess.
so there's snow on the ground. by monday it's supposed to be 50. they didn't plow our street so it's a slippery slushy mess. in hamp they always plowed. this street tends to get forgotten even though it's close to downtown. fucktards. god i love that word. thank you Apos.
Tiny gave me a great suggestion. that maybe a couple of guys from sean's office can take my air conditioner out. sounds good to me. i'm just so desperate to get it the hell out of the window. even with towels shoved all around it. i can feel the cold air coming through. and to think that i was thanking the powers that be for it just a couple of months ago...
Posted by Lisa ::
3:13 PM ::
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