Friday, November 25, 2005
i just wrote an "article" at blogster. telling them how stupid they were to delete the blogs that they did and how i didn't one bit like the changes or the censorship. i didn't actuallly use the word stupid, though it was tempting. i would be proud to be banned from blogster except for the ability to leave comments on those blogs of people who are still there.
my sister didn't come yesterday. she got home from where she had thanksgiving dinner and took a nap. then woke up at seven. too late for her to bring pie. she goes to bed around nine, nap or not.
i went back to bed this morning after the nurse left. i helped her fill several pill holders. i think i should get some of her money. lol. at least i saw them all to know they were right. might be stern nurse in the morning. yuck. but i found out that she just got a black lab puppy so before she starts in with the questions and comments, i can get her talking about that. ha!
Posted by Lisa ::
1:10 PM ::
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