Friday, November 25, 2005
sitting here awaiting my cheeseburger and salad. don't feel up to going to the store. although the grocery store would probably be the least crowded place today. everyone eating leftovers.
i talked to my sister a little bit a while ago. she's going to come over the weekend so we can have pie. she said she already told the jackass that it was my pie so that he wouldn't eat it. i caught her in her car, and she said that the traffic was terrible.
glad i'm not out in it.
i keep having to stop and think of what day it is. the holiday screwed me up. felt like sunday. felt like i should be meeting sean today. she set up weekend phone contacts, asking, of course, if i would answer the phone. i told her i would but i'm not going to stay awake to do so if i want to go back to bed.
i can't get used to this damned snow. i don't want it. though it's supposed to warm up on sunday, so maybe a lot of it will melt. that would be very good. cheeseburger is here....
Posted by Lisa ::
2:19 PM ::
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