Tuesday, November 29, 2005
so i'm keeping this secret blog. and it's helping. things i never would be able to say to the masses, i can say there.
i find that i don't keep up with my journal anymore, i just stick everything in here.
the strangest thing happened over the weekend. i got a card from my friend susan. that's not strange. but when i took it out of the envelope, 50 dollars fell out. i must have had a really stupid look on my face. i checked to make sure that it was really from susan. she's a wonderful person. i worry about her sometimes because she doesn't have faith in her right to have her own feelings. anyway, this 50 bucks lays on the floor and i read the card. i knew that i was complaining about money in my posts but i guess i didn't realize how much. i wrote her an email, thanking her but telling her that i couldn't accept it. she's not exactly floating in money these days. it would help out a lot, but i just wouldn't feel right taking it.
i'm having dinner with my sister this evening. i hope it's not as depressing as it was last time. i'm not sure i could take it.
she said that she had things to tell me when dumbass wasn't around. she's actually supposed to call me anytime now to firm up the plans. i hope that she doesn't cancel on me.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:12 PM ::
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