Friday, December 02, 2005
so yesterday, i call and ask for a check from the credit card company. and today i get one made out to me and a blank one. without the intital 3% interest. that figures. at least i'll be able to pay my property taxes earlier with the blank check.
i also got two things from SS. one stating that they had denied the request for a clearance on cymbalta and one saying they had approved it. both dated the same day. no wonder i can never keep up with what's going on.
it's cold here tonight. supposed to stay cold for the next week.
i wish i was meeting sean tomorrow. she was telling me today how when she was a kid, she used to take ashes(from a very small fireplace that santa could no way fit down) and leave a trail to the tree and back so her little sister could see. i thought that was so sweet. i told her how i used to wrap all the gifts including the ones meant for me. i think her story was better.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:03 PM ::
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