Friday, December 02, 2005
it tasted like cofffee!! really it did!!! this place that we've been going to for so long and the coffee has steadily declined, well today they got their reputation back.
sean said that she felt much better today. she looked better. and talked more. i like it when she tells me stories of her growing up and when her kids were small. she was so cute the other day. i told her that i'd been listening to The Duhks (a couple cds that she loaned me that i put on my puter.) and she says, what? from the pond? and i just started to laugh. then she got it, and said, shut-up!
i stopped at the grocery on the way back to get some much needed cat litter. i got green good and weiners and easymac too. didn't think to look for poppers. i saw one of the nurses from West 5 (the psych ward) but she didn't see me. she was one of the really nice ones. that's the second time i've seen someone from that floor in there. and managed to avoid them both. Hah! don't want to be reminded. of course, the other one i saw was one of the counsellors whom i told to fuck off the last time i was in there.....
got my new insurance card in the mail yesterday. that was a relief.
i'll post more later, as i'm feeling gabby. now to tackle the litterbox.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:25 PM ::
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