Friday, December 02, 2005
when she came yesterday, sean said that she thought we could get the a/c out of window but the trick would be getting it down to the basement. and the way she looked, i wouldn't have let her pick up a feather. i didn't work up the courage to ask if a couple of guys from the office could handle it. i'm sure i'll be sorry in the upcoming week. night lows in the twenties and teens. it's cold in here tonight. i keep getting up and walking around. i don't want to turn the heat up cause i don't want to have to pay the extra on the gas bill.
at least with the blank check they sent me and the advance check that they're sending made out to me i'll be able to cover my bills. and monday i'll call the guy from social security. hopefully get that set back up. did i already say all this? i'm a little scatter-brained this evening.
i don't seem to be seeing marsha anymore. this was the first full week that i've gone without going to the office and she didn't come any of the mornings that she works. i hope that's not the way it's going to be. i miss her. there's a store downtown where i'm going to get her some striped socks. she always wears striped socks. like a little short haired pippi longstocking. did i say that before too? it must be fumes from the litter box that i still haven't taken care of. i was going to do it an hour ago, but.....well, i didn't. i have to do it before i go to bed. or stern nurse will come in the morning telling me it smells like cat in here. that's not the only reason. i want the cats to be comfortable and not pass out while they're in there.
d'oh, just remembered my four o'clock pills. i swear if someone is not dumping them into my hands, i space.
okay, that's enough shit to share now. thanks for tuning in.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:09 PM ::
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