Monday, December 05, 2005
don't really have a lot to say. the last few days have been very hard. i find myself bursting into tears without warning. i was okay while i was with sean and i'm so happy to have that air conditioner out of the window. even if it is the size of a volkswagon taking up room in the living room. it's nice without that constant draft. i may very well turn up the thermostat to above 60.
sean gave me something called "rescue remedy." anyone ever heard of it? it's made from flowers. but it also has 27% alcohol in it. you put a drop under you tongue and it's supposed to make you chill out. i used it before years ago. i figure i'll try it for a couple of days and then give it back to her. i know that it's expensive. it's funny, the two people who have recommended it talked about the fact that it was homeopathic but never mention the alcohol content.
i really wish that this site had a dependable way of knowing when your "buddies" create a new post.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:42 PM ::
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