Sunday, December 04, 2005
now it's just flurrying out. i think we got most of the snow that we're going to get. which isn't too much. the guy across the street (duckman) shovelled instead of snow blowing. though it looks like heavy snow.
i was sitting here freezing when i realized that cold water was perhaps not the best thing to be drinking to warm me up. so out came the tea.
AND I WANT THE DAMNED A/C OUT OF THE WINDOW!!! sean said we could probably get it out okay but the trick would be getting it down to the basement. my nephews aren't going to come without a lot of hen-pecking, which i'm not willing to do. and i was shy about asking sean if a couple of guys from the office could take it out. it should be toasty warm in here like it was last winter. i can feel a breeze on my hands, for goodness sake. (complain, complain, complain) forgive me...
i figured out what to get sean for christmas. i wanted to get her a little something. so i decided on a few of those little wind- up toys.you know the kind, they walk across the table, or clash their cymbals or do flips. a little something fun for her desk. though i've seen her desk and it'll probably be a challenge finding a place to put them. but i figure they might be a fun little thing for her. they have a store in downtown Hamp that has a bunch of different ones.
i was sitting here figuring i ought to shovel, when, hark! i heard a snowblower. i looked and it was us! all i had to do was clean my car off and move it into the street so that he could clear my driveway. buggars, the cold makes my chest hurt.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:16 PM ::
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