Wednesday, December 07, 2005
okay so maybe taking all of my pills and going to bed at seven was not the best idea. woke at two and here i am.
i can't begin to tell you how much warmer it is in here with the a/c on the floor rather than in the window.
i once worked at a hardware store and we got a service call on an a/c. she said it wasn't working. the service man called her back and it turned out she had it on the kitchen table. no fooling. she must have felt like an idiot.
i think the reason that i couldn't get back to sleep was because i have a pdoc appt. today. i hate going. though it's getting easier, because i'm going once a week.
•several hours later•
i went back to bed after the nurse left and slept til noon. i'd love to still be hiding in sleep. but i had to get up and shower and allow for time for my hair to dry before going out to meet sean. my hair takes forever to dry. i don't know why. i do have a blow dryer but damned if i know where it is. i think it might be in the trunk of my car.
i have phone calls to make but i'm putting them off. i decided the phone needed charging. that was the perfect excuse.
•a few more hours later•
just came back from the pdoc. i'm on 75mg of effexor every other day for the next week, then none. she increased my geodon cause i'm still having a problem with voices and she increased the lamictal. i have another appt. next week.
the cat seriously does not want me typing right now.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:30 AM ::
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