Monday, December 12, 2005
i'm waiting for marsha to call me back to see if there is anything i can do to keep her as my case manager. i don't wait well. got my phone in my shirt pocket, so hopefully my breast will be ringing soon. (actually it plays the them to Sesame Street.)
sean is supposed to come at four. i didn't feel up to making the trip to downtown hamp when she called this morning. i don't feel much like going out now either.
i did go to the bank today to close out my savings account. i had a negative balance in my checking account. now, how, if you have overdraft protection from your savings, can you have a negative in your checking? i didn't ask the fellow that. i also switched my checking acct. from one that got interest but charged me five dollars a month to a free account with no interest. i don't get five dollars a month interest in the account so..... i don't know why no one ever told me about the option before.
marsha just called. she said the only reason that they were making the change was because she no longer case manages people in my town. i asked about going into the office once a week. to shorten the story, that's what i'm going to do but i'll still have to see stern nurse once a week. at least she doesn't come in, talk about her life and leave without asking how i am. or asking as she's going out the door. knowing that i'm going to have to pay about 700 dollars to them for while my insurance was gone makes me a bit resentful that that's what i'll be paying for. her first question in the door should be how i am, not an afterthought. i'm not relieved yet. maybe after i see marsha tomorrow afternoon, i'll be relieved. i was ready to get rid of the nurses altogether. take control of my own meds if they were going to stick me with icky nurse. i just wouldn't have been able to take it.
now it's about time for sean to be here. i imagine she'll be late as usual. that's all right. it screws with my head when she's on time anyway. the last time she was on time was after i'd gotten my 16 stitches and i was walking around in short sleeves with my arms all bandaged up. i didn't expect her to actually show up when she said she was going to so i didn't have a long sleeved shirt over my t-shirt. and i was embarrassed by the overly dressed wounds. it made it look like i'd tried to chop my arm off.
i just feel like marsha is going to change her mind. i guess that's why i'm not relieved. but she said that we could do it this way, so i have to trust.
the cat wants another dinner. she insisted on eating early and obviously didn't get enough before going outside. she trusts that it'll still be there when she comes back in, but one of the other cats was hungry too and ate it all. just sitting around waiting for her to puke on the furniture.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:12 PM ::
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