Tuesday, December 13, 2005
went to see the squid this morning. we talked about the whole case manager thing. i admitted that i'd miss marsha if i didn't see her. i felt like a little kid. i told her why i didn't want icky (formerly stern) nurse to be my case manager.
the nurse woke me up this morning. i managed to sleep through the night without waking up.after she left i sat on the couch and dozed, i woke up at quarter to nine. i was supposed to be at the squid's at nine. my car was all frosted over. i ended up being ten minutes late. she had a lollipop for me. if i see more than three squirrels she owes me a lollipop. and i did last week so i got a tootsie roll pop. didn't see any squirrels today, so i guess i'll have to provide my own treat next week.
i meet sean in about an hour. i tried to call to cancel but she wasn't in the office.
it's very cold out. i don't know what my pixie says but it's like 14 degrees. i have to get a coat. my nephew gave me gloves for my birthday. the cat threw up on them. seems like with the four of them, someone is always hurling.
if i don't blog for a few days, don't become worried. it just seems like everything takes so much energy. i may blog. i don'tknow.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:48 AM ::
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