Monday, December 12, 2005
Babs posted on an interesting subject. "Cremation or Not"
i never thought about that when i was making out my will. and i'm not willing to pay the guy another 100 bucks to amend it.
i told H. that i wanted to be cremated but i've never told anyone else. now that he's out of my life i feel i should tell my sister, but how do you bring that up? in my case she would assume that i was making plans to kill myself. which i am not....at the moment anyway. and that's all i can take is one moment at a time. and my will. where should i put that? it's in a pile on the coffee table right now. people don't like it when you tape them onto your fridge. so where do you put it? my lawyer has the original. i have a copy but it states where the original is. where the hell do you put it? do you keep a big envelope next to your microwave that says, In case of death? i'm really looking for suggestions here. someplace where people are sure to find it. in the litterbox? it's important to me because i'm leaving my condo to my sister. i don't want it split between my sister and my brother, which is what would happen without a will. i don't want my brother getting anything. my sister is chosen to get the condo and all my assets.
so folks, where do you keep a will?
Posted by Lisa ::
9:14 PM ::
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