Monday, December 12, 2005
so sean was half an hour late. her usual. she walked into a nearly dark house. i hate having lights on. she mentioned something about turning on a lamp. i said i had one in the corner but it wasn't plugged in. so she goes over, sprawls across the couch to reach it. plugs it in then can't figure out how to turn it on. i told her there was a switch on the cord and that if i was a nice person, i'd turn on the overhead light so that she could find it, but i was not a nice person so she'd just have to fumble in the dark. when she finally got it i saw all the dust on the table and on the lamp. how embarrassing.
we went off to coffee and i told her about icky nurse showing up and saying she was going to be my case manager. she said, you're kidding. i assured her that i would not joke about something like that. she asked if i wanted to talk to Margaret(the supervisor) and tell her that i had a problem with icky nurse. i said, no. she asked me if i wanted her to talk to Margaret. i said, no. i told her that i had spoken with marhsa and i'd be going to see her once a week but that icky nurse was going to come once a week anyway. she said, so marsha thinks this is all about you missing her, not your problem with icky nurse? and i wanted to say, most of it is. i would miss marsha terribly. but i was too embarrassed to say that.
on another note, did you know that there is a National Orgasm Day? i thought denise might be interested in knowing that. i forget when it is. i get trivia on my phone every morning and i got that at some point during the summer. have no idea what made me think of it now.
teressa is feeling down.maybe some of you folks could stop by her blog and leave some comments of support.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:24 PM ::
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