Friday, December 16, 2005
the weather....
it wasn't as bad as they forecasted. snow followed by rain, instead of freezing rain. i just cleaned my car off and i didn't even have to use the scraper end. just banged it with the brush end and it came off in sheets. H. taught me that trick. and it's actually kind of mild out. didn't freeze doing it.
however, the pants i have on are a little tight so i had been sitting here with the button undone and the fly down a little. well, i forgot and went out that way. of course, my neighbor had to pass me. that's when i realized that she could probably tell what color underwear i had on. d'oh! at least it wasn't talksalot, or everyone would know.
i slept in this morning. no nurse because of the weather. it was nice to not have to pop up at six-thirty. i was awake at six, but i went back to sleep after some iced coffee. then i awoke at eight-thirty to the last few bars of my phone ringing, didn't have time to answer it. it was sean. she left a message. said she'd try to call later. i'm still a little ticked at her for forgetting to call on wednesday. her message said that she couldn't go out because of the weather. i think it's more slippery walking than it is driving at this point. everything is just slush. except my front stairs. they had a nice coating of ice on top of the snow. i held onto the railing for dear life. i hate falling. especially in slush.
this time he did plow the my driveway instead of snowblowing it. so it should be down to the pavement.
my thoughts seem to be all over the place. so i''m going to go confuse myself instead of you.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:51 PM ::
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