Friday, December 16, 2005
i can't stop posting. just ordered some poppers even though i have a salad in the fridge. but what is that compared to poppers?
poppers, i love thee
let me count the ways
they better all be cheddar. none of this cream cheese shit.
after my poppers, i'm going to take a nap, i think. or set up my dvd player and watch a movie. i've got two johnny depp movies. i think i should watch one of those. benny and joon, which is one of my all time favorites, and chocolat.
i'm not going to answer the phone unless it's my sister. i don't feel like "interacting" today. i slept most of the morning. it was nice not having a nurse come, or waiting around for one. she'll come in the morning.
i think if i get some lights up in here it will be better. christmas lights, i mean. that means making holes in the wall for the brads. the walls are so pristine, i hate to do it.
the sun is out now. what a weird day.
the weekend is going to be hard. perhaps i can just sleep through it.
damn, i really thought i had that "buddy" thing right.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:04 PM ::
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