Saturday, December 17, 2005
i turned on the tv for the first time in months. to see the Patriots beat Tampa Bay 28-0. it was the first time i've seen a football game this year. typing in bed is not fun. i don't have enough pillows to prop myself up on so the laptop is next to me and my right hand is numb.
okay, potato is in the oven baking. first time i've used the oven so there's quite a gas smell, my nephew told me that would happen. it set off my smoke alarm. so i guess that warns of more than smoke. i ripped the battery out before everyone in the building ran out into the cold. and i opened the kitchen window a crack.
while my hand was numb, i ordered a winter coat from LLBean. i don't have a winter coat. i wore a barn jacket last year and it didn't do a lot to keep me warm.
i received my first package from Half.com. i had never shopped there before. sean gets loads of cds from there. no, all this shopping isn't getting my bills paid. i'm going to sort through them tomorrow and see who has resorted to threats.
i actually feel a bit better today. i'm not constantly crying. maybe that cymbalta is of some use afterall.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:40 PM ::
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