Tuesday, December 20, 2005
oh yeah, the squid
or so graciously referred to as "calamari."
i actually talked to her today. of course it took me til ten minutes before i had to leave. and i really wanted to take her picture (didn't have my camera) so all of you could see how she makes her hair stick up. you know what bugs me about her? when she drinks, i can hear her swallow. i really hate that. it's not necessary. i swallow quietly, why can't she? H. used to drive me crazy. when he drank soda, i heard three gulps. always three.drove me insane. but i was talking about the squid.....
she's very nice and soft-spoken. and she managed to get my insurance to cover her. she said it took four phone calls and some sweet talking. the first three phone calls were to people who didn't know what they were doing. the fourth time, she got lucky and it's all squared away. she's on vacation next week. yay! next week is also the anniversary of my mother's death so beware, i may be blogging about that. and it may be things you've already heard. but it's been on my mind a lot lately.
i have two christmas card that i haven't opened yet. am i in the spirit, or what? i have no interest in opening them. i didn't send out any this year. just a few ecards to my friends and some to my friends here. but one of my friends said that it ended up in her spam folder. i don't know what made her look in there but i'm glad she did. so if you didn't get one, though i'm not done sending them, look in your spam folder.
got marsha a pair of extra cushy, soft, oh so soft striped socks, two pair actually. i'll put a couple on wrapped pieces of fudge in there so she really won't know what she's getting. and got sean four wind up toys. i hope they work, couldn't try them out because they were in this little alcove in the store and i was butt-pressed against another customer, who didn't seem to mind that we were having an intimate encounter. anyway, there was no room but the floor and that space was pretty much taken up. now i think of having them try them at the register. didn't think of that then. i'll have to try them out tonight.
called my sister this evening and invited her out to dinner this week. she said that she didn't even know if she had the energy. i don't know what her response to butthead's idea of getting back together was. he was home again, so she couldn't talk. i hope she told him to fuck off. she said she'd call me during the day tomorrow. i don't know what she's doing for christmas or anything.
i'm thinking that i'll buy one of those pre-cooked chickens and make some stuffing and mashed potatoes for mine and the cats christmas dinner.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:26 PM ::
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