Wednesday, December 21, 2005
aww fuck!
didn't sleep much last night. now i'm ready to sleep and it's time to get up.
have a pdoc appt. today. meeting marsha at three-thirty, sean at quarter to four and my appt. is at four-fifteen. that means i'll have to drive home after dark and my night vision sucks.
i'm really worried about my sister. i'm afraid she's going to end up in the hospital for exhaustion if not for something else. all of her emotions affect her physically. and i don't know what's going on with blatherhead because every time i call he's there. i hope she told him to fuck off.
and i'm worried about what she's going to do for christmas. i don't mind spending the day alone, but i don't want to see her do it. why does everything have to be so hard?. always someone to worry about. always things you should be doing that you're not.
i have to call the guy from social security tomorrow. i just have to. after i pay my bills, there will be nothing left. i have to worry about condo fees for january, plus the other bills, plus feeding the cats. okay, maybe i went overboard on buying for my sister. but i really think she deserves some treats. even if they only make her feel better for the moments that she's opening them. it, really. she'll know what the fudge is. i've gotten her some for the past few years. and the wrapping paper doesn't hide the aroma.
it's almost time for my alarm to go off and it's not even starting to get light. today is the shortest (light) day of the year. it's all uphill from here. yeah, right.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:08 AM ::
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