Monday, December 26, 2005
first, the chicken. it was done in a lot less time than i thought. suddenly the popper was up and i pancked. i didn't have anything ready. so i ate just chicken. only one of the cats came around for some. she was very happy to eat her bits and then lick my whole plate. not having a sharp knife, it kind of came off in chunks. some of it was nice and moist, some of it was choking dry.
second, my sister. she stood me up twice yesterday without a phone call. first, she was supposed to come in the morning on her way to her son's and she never showed up. then later, i finally reached her and she said she'd come over but she'd give me a call first. she never called or showed. i was worried after the first time. i tried to call her cell and it was turned off. i tried my nephews cell and it was turned off. i was afraid to call the house. afraid something had happened. but when i finally got the nerve up, she answered and said that she didn't think that i'd be up when they (she and her son) left to go to breakfast at her other son's. i wanted to say, then why did we make the plan? i told her i got up at eight.
so i didn't see anyone at all yesterday. i spent most of the day taking short naps. no movie marathon. nothing.
it was just like an ordinary day except that i didn't have a nurse come and i didn't see sean.
i'm baking a potato now and i ripped the broccoli apart with my hands. sean got such a perfect piece of garlic, i can't get into it. and though i want stuffing, i don't think i'm going to make it.
i had looked forward to such a perfect meal yesterday....oh well.
and that was my christmas.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:26 AM ::
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