Tuesday, December 27, 2005
nice nap
i had a nice nap with two of the kitties. woke up to the howling of the wind. sounds like it's going to move some houses over a couple of feet. i didn't know it was supposed to be windy. at least it's not raining too.
the cat doesn't want me to be doing this. she keeps sticking her claws into my leg. i can't stand that.
i tried to chat twice today and had to excuse myself both times. couldn't stay still. at least with a post you can keep getting up and walking around.
i'm reheating some stuffing (or, as apos calls it, cat vomit. that got me thinking.....)
it feels so lonely here tonight. i guess it'll be good to get out of the house to meet sean tomorrow. she always asks what's going on on blogger. the other day, i told her everyone was depressed and she said "i hate this fucking time of the year! excuse my french." she sees a lot of people in her job who suffer through the holidays. we all see.
okay this is just depressing me.
i'll write tomorrow. it should be a better day.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:27 AM ::
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