Tuesday, December 27, 2005
this has nothing to do with chicken but i felt pressure to come up with a title.
i have a pdoc appt. first thing in the morning. i don't know if she'll be making any changes or not. but i think i will tell her that i don't have to see her on a weekly basis anymore. it'll be weird going without sean. she's been coming with me for a long time. but i feel up to handling it myself. icky stern nurse is supposed to come tomorrow. i hope she comes at a reasonable hour so that i can get to my appt. on time. i'll leave even if she hasn't come. i'll just leave her a note to slip the meds through the mail slot. that's a good way to avoid seeing her. hell, i might even leave early so that i can do that. babs' special brownies, i couldn't give them to icky stern nurse because she has a four year-old and that would just be mean.
two hours til the fucking condo meeting. i may kill everyone in the room. i'm not sure how, seeing as how i don't know where my sharp knives are.....oh, that's terrible. forget i said that.
i realized that i'm really going to miss sean for the rest of the week.
i'm going to have to go into town three different times tomorrow. for the pdoc, to meet pam and then to see marsha. i could just bring my laptop and after my pdoc appt. go to the coffee shop but it's frustrating cause i can't send any mail out from there. don't know their STMP. and that would be two hours. too long.
haven't heard from my sister since the second time she stood me up. i suppose i should call and see how she's doing. and see when the hell she's going to come get her christmas gifts. she feels bad because she didn't do any christmas shopping this year. i told her that it didn't matter but i know that she still feels bad. i would too. next year will be pretty sparse as far as my shopping goes. i always make things when i can't afford to buy them, hand painted trivets, plates or mugs. that kind of thing.last year i painted plates and mugs for my nephew and his girlfriend and they loved them. my sister asked for some. she never got any. i'm quite the procrastinator. i painted her a sweatshirt one year and people at her work wanted one. i never did get that done either. now i'm sure that my fabric paints are all dried up.
i just called a friend who called me on christmas to wish me a merry christmas. when she called i just didn't feel like talking to anyone and i finally listened to her message today. but, of course, as with everytime that i call her, she wasn't home.
when i get home from the damned meeting i'm going to have baked potatoes and roasted garlic. i suppose that if i had the garlic before i went they might ask me to go home. hmmm.....
Posted by Lisa ::
4:43 PM ::
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