Tuesday, December 27, 2005
To Sam
condo assoc. means the condominium association. you must have condos over there across the pond. units, like apartments, but that you buy. they take care of all the maintenance on the outside, snow removal, mowing the grass, stuff like that. i sold my house and bought a condo because i thought it would be easier. not having to worry about shoveling twelve inches of snow. i lived on a corner so there was a LOT of sidewalk to shovel. i had a snowblower but not the faintest idea how to start the damned thing up. it was a duplex (the house) and my nephew lived on the other side for a while and he took care of the snow but then he moved out and i was stuck with a huge snowblower that was no good to me. so i moved. one town over, but i don't like it. it's a small town and i liked living in the old city, full of energy all the time. this town shuts down at 5 pm.
so i'm going to this damned condo meeting and hoping that they don't raise the monthly fees and hoping that it's not a long meeting. and that is what the condo assoc. is all about.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:54 PM ::
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