Monday, January 02, 2006
just remembered
can't sleep in tomorrow. have an appt. with the squid. damn. i don't want to go. it was nice having last week off. maybe the weather will be such that one of us cancels. or she won't have a babysitter for her daughter if schools are closed. i don't know why i keep going there. i dread it. i don't talk about anything important.if the insurance wasn't paying for it and i had to, i wouldn't be going. not that i could afford it anyway, but if i could.
i have a potato baking in the oven. it's almost the size of a meatloaf. well, maybe not. but it's big. it was that or french bread pizzas with all the toppings. i kind of wish that i went with the pizzas. this potato is going to take forever to bake. and no more sour cream. but i like them with just butter. and i have some broccoli that i could cook. Babs was talking about poppers earlier. i could go for some of those. but then i'd have this baked potato that i couldn't eat. although i have eaten cold baked potatoes before. not a big thrill.
i know that i'm just writing drivel. i should be cleaning or going through my bills. i don't know how i'm going to pay my condo fee come the 15th. last year, i paid the whole year in advance. but i can't do that this year. i really wish that i could.
maybe tonight would be a good time to take my new coat out of the box it came in and try it on. sounds like i might need it tomorrow.
i can't believe that i've been here a whole year. still doesn't feel like home. that's never happened to me before. not that i've moved a shitload of times, but enough. and it never took this long to get adjusted. i guess because this feels so permanent. i feel kind of trapped. i always had a month to month lease. now i'm here for a long time. and i hate having neighbors on the other side of the wall. the walls are so thin. i don't want to hear a guy peeing when i go into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
i really hope that the worst of this storm holds off. i really want to see sean tomorrow. it's been a whole week.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:10 PM ::
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