Saturday, December 31, 2005
it's just...
starting to snow. somehow it's a happy snow. we're not supposed to get much unless the weather forecasters have changed their minds. nope, they're still saying one to four inches.
i feel a certain peace today, if i don't think too much. my mother's calling hours were on new year's eve and her funeral was on new year's day. and i didn't know what the proper amount to give to the priest was. did i tell you they opened the wrong grave. idiots. the cemetery guy just assumed that she'd be buried with my dad. didn't check with anyone. so back to the funeral home she went new year's and was buried the next day in the right grave. i was furious.big mistake that you pay a hell of a lot for them not to make. it still ticks me off when i think about it.
on to other things. what time is the big party tonight. i want to have my diet coke and chips and salsa ready. yeah, i managed to go to the mini-grocery here in town. went in for cat litter, coffee and half and half. came out fifty dollars later. i hate that. everything is so expensive in that store. their bags advertise hometown prices....yeah, if you live in Beverly Hills.
it stopped snowing. it'll start again later. would be nice to have some fresh snow for new year's. all we have left is the dirty, sand filled snow.
Happy New Years everyone.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:23 PM ::
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