Saturday, December 31, 2005
it's really snowing now. turning the road white. it's nice.
H. called yesterday. which was quite a surprise. he said that he'd been thinking of me on the 29th. i figured he forgot all about it. gave him too little credit. we had a nice talk and he actually asked how i was. i almost dropped the phone. i don't even remember what i told him.
diet coke works pretty well as a cough medicine. i got some of the real stuff out in the middle of the night. i woke up coughing and couldn't seem to stop for more than a couple of minutes at a time. (still no asthma med) and i was coughing up a lung this morning but since i got back from the store and started drinking the coke....the asparatime (sp) coats your throat. and tastes much better than the cough medicine.
stopped to chat with spyder a little. had to take my cough medicine, the coke stopped working. wet my damned pants coughing. makes me feel like an old lady.
i'm hyper today. can't sit stilll for long. been working on this post for over an hour. have to keep getting up and walking around. i give up.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:22 PM ::
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