Monday, January 02, 2006
major snowage
we're due for six inches to a foot of snow starting sometime today. i hadn't even brushed the snow off my car from the other day. but now i have and i went to the convenience store for a few thing. including Stouffer's french bread pizza. i love those.
i don't know why we have to have so much fucking snow. why can't it be a few inches at a time? and it's supposed to snow thursday too. i'm already sick of it and it's only the beginning of january.
yesterday was the fifth anniversary of my mother's funeral. the fuckin' funeral home screwed up in more ways than i want to remember. i got through the day by sleeping most of it away.
when i went out today, i backed into the driveway and suddenly i couldn't remember having unlocked the front door to the house. and i didn't have my phone with me. and i was trying to think of what the hell i was going home. got to the door, gingerly tried turning the knob and pushing and it opened!!!! i was so relieved i was thanking the idols of every religion i could think of.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:03 PM ::
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