Tuesday, January 03, 2006
it's snowing
it's finally snowing. took a little nap and it started. sneaky bastid snow. can't tell how much is out there. it's the freezing rain that's going to be the problem. *coughs up a lung*
i think i woke up because oliver jumped down off the bed. at least i knew what time of day it was. now all the cats but boo are up. ella is trying to weasel her way between me and the keyboard. i gave her some half and half to bribe her to go away.
okay, talked with spyder for a while. now i'm back.
we just had a couple of brown outs. need to reset the modem. *twiddles thumbs* was just going to check the weather too.
i know why i just took a nap instead of sleeping more. forgot to take my pills. now taken. but it's after three. i'll have a hard time getting up in the morning. that half and half didn't last long. she's baaack.
okay, what's the difference between sleet and freezing rain?
i guess i won't be meeting sean tomorrow/today. now i'm wondering if i should go back to bed at all. ella is sitting on the router. it must be warm.
eh, i'm going to bed. but first i must know; how do you bake a potato in the microwave??
Posted by Lisa ::
12:37 AM ::
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