Wednesday, January 04, 2006
cookies, trash and other delightful things
sean came over (an hour late, as i expected), and we took out the trash. icy out there. was so glad she didn't fall, i would have felt terrible. though i slipped and almost fell into the dumpster. that would have been lovely.
then we went to coffee and shared the driest cookie i've ever had. enough to make you choke. made the coffee taste better though. i couldn't fill my cup so sean had to help me again. it's so embarrassing to be shaking like that. i was shaking when i paid for the coffee and the more i was aware of it, the more i shook.just separating the two dollars out took me quite a few minutes. i hate that!!!!
turns out she can go to my pdoc appt. with me. i'm glad. i get nervous enough when she comes, never mind going alone. though the pdoc is really nice. she rubs my back every time i leave. she's just very sweet.
i have to figure out what to do about my bills. i think i should pay the condo fee first and then pay whatever i can on the other bills. i have to do it soon. i've been putting it off. and off. and off. they'll be no money left for food but i have a couple of gift certificates for Big Y.
i just took a klonopin and two seroquel. hopefully that will make me stop shaking. even my head was shaking when i was out with sean. she kept asking me if i was okay to drive (to the pdoc appt.) and i kept saying, yes. i guess i'd have been asking me too. it was good to see her. it has been more than a week.
oh, i got my inhaler this morning. the nurse brought it. i don't know why they insist on delivering it to the office. it's not exactly a controlled substance. it's just silly. and then when the nurse doesn't go to the office for a few days, i don't get it right away. maybe that's what's making me shake so much. not used to having it. if that's it, it should go away in a couple of days. in the meantime, it's going to drive me nuts.it's going to take a while for the cough to disappear too.
that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:01 PM ::
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