Wednesday, January 04, 2006
have you ever had one of those days?
when from the time you wake up, you think of everything you've ever done wrong? everything you've ever done that hurt someone? all the ways in which you let people down? well that's been my day so far. and i got an early start. got up at five.
went out to the car to go get some cigarettes. the door was frozen shut. i thought i was going to break the door handle. finally got it open enough so that i could pry with my frosted fingers near the window and eventually it opened. i had a lot of shit to scrape off the car because i didn't clean it all off yesterday. couldn't get the windshield wipers free. it's supposed to be warmer and sunny today so maybe that'll help. i think sean is going to come over today so i won't need to use the car until late afternoon for my med appt. i like it when she comes with me, but i'd rather have her come over and got out to coffee since i haven't talked to her in so long. she called yesterday afternoon but i didn't pick up. i didn't pick up for anyone yesterday. i would have picked up for my sister but only her.
thanks for the tips on microwaving potatoes. i had one last night. i was afraid it was going to taste boiled, but it was good. especially with some broccoli. ya'll are saving me on my gas bill.
i want to say thank you to Clance for setting up the chat room. it's wonderful to have.
hope everyone has a good day.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:19 AM ::
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