Thursday, January 05, 2006
she just erased my whole post and i can't get it back. i hate it when she comes up and sits on the keyboard. there was no recovering that post. don't know what she did with her butt. she drives me nuts.
icky, stern nurse is coming this morning. i thought she was here a little bit ago but it wasn't her car, just a look alike.
i hope she's not a pain in the ass this morning because i'm in no mood to take it. i've already singed my hair trying to light a cigarette from the stove. damned lighters always give out with no warning.
*hours later*
slept the morning away. still feel tired. nervous about going to the grocery store with sean. then to dinner with my sister. neither one of us can afford it, but i'll feel better knowing that she's getting a good meal. and i won't mind the prime rib that is a on special thursdays either. and i'll be able to unload all the christmas presents i have here for her and my nephews.
woke up at four o'clock this morning coughing my brains out and wet my pants. not just a little, a bladder full. off came everything and into the washer it went. normally i wouldn't do laundry at that hour but since the Roos don't seem to care what time they start making noise, i decided neither do i. fuck 'em.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:33 AM ::
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