Friday, January 06, 2006
just waiting for the nurse
she's later, which means it's going to be icky, stern nurse again today. and i think i have her this weekend too. damn. double damn. here she is......
she didn't stay too long. seemed like she was in a rush. told me i was out of geodon. great. the pharmacy didn't have a script on record. so if she gets some later today, she's coming back. eww. but i guess that's better than being without.
i paid my bills this morning and sent them out. i know something is going to bounce but i have "oops" protection on my checking account. they'll pass the checks but charge me $20 a piece for doing it. it's going to be the only way that i can pay my condo fee. i'm going to ask sean today if she will take me to the social security office next week so that i can bring them my bank statements. hopefully it won't take too long to get a check. i know i'm whining, but i'm really worried about it.
okay, mind on other things...
i'm meeting sean in about half an hour. then i'll be alone for the weekend. okay, having trouble not thinking depressing thoughts.
looked for diet cherry coke in the grocery store yesterday. they didn't have any. and it's a BIIIGGGGG store. saw one of those big packages of jalapeno poppers. they cost a lot. passed them by.
i know this cymbalta (or the Lion King drug as some of you know it as) is working to some extent. i'm not crying all the time. but i think it could be working better. i don't know if i'm at the full dose or not. oh wait a minute, i remember, she put me higher than the full dose. i've been depressed ever since i can remember and have had pain in my chest from anxiety attacks long before i knew what they were. oops, whining again. i guess i'll give up for now and try posting again later....
Posted by Lisa ::
8:17 AM ::
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