coming and going

Friday, January 06, 2006 coffee

went to coffee with sean. we got the lousy table right in front of the rest room. the coffee was actually good today.
we made a plan to go to the social security office monday morning. she asked if i wanted to make a regular grocery shopping trip every week. i confessed to her that i only had six dollars until i got a check. it was really embarrassing.she asked if i had gas in my car. yes, half a tank. did i have enough cigarettes. yep.(not really, but...). i told her that now would be a good time to quit. she said she thought that i could get the nicotine gum paid for. that would be wonderful. it's more expensive than the cigarettes. so when i turn into a wise ass you'll know the cigarettes ran out.
the cough is much better today. it didn't take as long as i thought it would to get better. doesn't feel like i'm coughing up half my insides anymore. yay!
i haven't heard anything from icky, stern nurse about my geodon. if i have to go without it for the whole weekend i'm afraid the voices are going to come back. and i don't know that i can take that right now.

Posted by Lisa :: 1:54 PM :: 4 comments

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