Tuesday, June 06, 2006
no squid today she's on vacation. i am going to see marsha this afternoon. otherwise, i'd be taking a nap now. but i'm afraid the alarm won't wake me. it often doesn't. even though it's loud as hell. they can probably hear it next door. ask me if i care.
i still haven't heard back from the barbarian after leaving her a message yesterday morning. returning her call, actually. though i'm not ready to see another worker yet, i do want to know if i'll have any say in whom i see. i imagine they'll be hiring someone to replace sean. i still would like to know what the hell happened. guess i'll have to deal with just wondering.
wish the barbarian would call so that i could get some answers. i don't want to be paired with just anyone. ~sigh~
this wasn't supposed to happen. there were things we were going to do together. things she was going to help me with.
this whole situation sucks.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:36 PM ::
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