Saturday, May 27, 2006
well run dry...
i can't think of anything to write.
it's loud around here today. everyone mowing their lawns. earlier i heard some people down the street playing horseshoes. they were pretty good from the clanging i could hear. then that stopped and i was treated to intermittent squeals. i assume they switched to lawn darts.
i'm thinking of inviting myself over to my sister's for dinner monday. for something other than pasta. i've only had it for two days and i'm sick of it. we have many days left. maybe Babs could air-lift me one her dad's hamburgers.
i ended up borrowing 50 bucks from my nephew to make the bank happy and to get cat supplies. just barely made it. did get another kind of spaghetti sauce at wallyworld. whoopie! got together all my change and got some creamer for ella and cigarettes. (not for ella) so glad i save my change rather than using it. thinking ahead!! yep, that's what that's called.
i really hope there's some news about sean this week. the poor thing, must be going through shit. i'd really like to beat the shit out of the person responsible for this. in fact i'd take great glee in the act. beating the living bejeezus out of them. sounds good.
guess i did have something to say. :)
Posted by Lisa ::
6:36 PM ::
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