Monday, May 22, 2006
i finally gave in and called sean's cell number. which i shouldn't have done. she didn't answer but i left a message telling her that half of the people were telling me that she had left, and half the people were telling me that she was on leave. i apologized for calling her cell but told her that i was really upset. i hope she calls back to tell me what's really going on. i don't know what i'm going to do if she tells me she's gone for good. other than a lot of cutting. it's taking all i have not to cut now.
h. 's father came to my rescue financially. i'm meeting him for lunch at a hole in the wall tomorrow and he's going to give me some cash to put into my account. hopefully, talksalot won't try to cash the check before then.
i just called the program manager where sean works again. still no answer. this is making me nuts. conflicted stories, no return calls. fuck. how would they like it if they were treated this way?
i went back to sleep after my alarm this morning. before the nurse came this morning and left a drool stain the size of
Rhode Island on my couch pillow. damn.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:10 PM ::
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