Thursday, May 18, 2006
ain't that a catchy title?
i have a stupid pdoc appt. tomorrow morning. i don't want to go. after that i'm meeting one of sean's co-workers for coffee. i'm hoping that i'll get a little information out of her. i can hope.
i don't know what to tell the pdoc. i really don't feel any different. except now i can't cry. i think it would help if i could. the memories i've been having lately...though my dreams are far less disturbing. i think i've said that before. (thus the title)
i found out that one of the owners has been feeding the stray cat. she wants so much to come in the house. it's breaking my heart. but i just don't know anything about her. whether or not she's healthy. she's so beautiful, with her glowing golden eyes, long black fur and extra toes. i don't want another cat. four is my limit but i still want to let her in. so she can nap on something soft. and be in out of the rain. i don't know what to do...
i just went online to the local paper and searched to see if anyone had lost a cat like the stray here. nope.
i thought of asking the other owners to contribute something to get her to the vet. i'd give something. i don't know. yeah, i'm a sap, i'd let her in. but she has to be healthy. i don't want to subject my kitties to anything.
there are a lot of kids and dogs in this neighborhood. i haven't gotten it through my head that i'm never going to have kids. i keep thinking, someday. but someday is never going to come. lots of wonderful thoughts going through my head.
geez talksalot just came to the door. apparently "we're" suing the woman who's selling her condo. it's all such a soap opera. talksalot doesn't have a lot of tact. doesn't bend easily. everything is a big deal. apparently we're suing the woman for harrassment. the whole thing seems so ridiculous. they're both taking things personally, instead of being a professional about it. this is a business, after all. but not between these two. it's crazy. it's some pathetic war.two little kids. talksalot said she didn't care how much the lawyer costs. now i think that would be something that we would be voting on. it's our money.
i thought i was going to move into this nice quiet condo...
Posted by Lisa ::
3:17 PM ::
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