Sunday, April 30, 2006
live from smallville
everytime i tried to write a post yesterday, it came out sounding stupid. i ended up erasing three or four.
it's another beautiful day. another beautiful day i won't go out in. i just keep picturing being back at the house on the back porch drinking coffee and watching the squirrels or the cats, or both. there was a guy a house away who didn't have a shade in his bathroom and didn't believe in a shower curtain. it was a show, if you wanted to see it. which i didn't. not over morning coffee, anyway.
i wouldn't mind going for ice cream today. maybe i'll call my sister. of course, that means taking a shower which i'm not thrilled about. living alone means it doesn't matter what the hell you look like. unless, god forbid, someone comes to the door. i'll just hope that doesn't happen. seeing how i'm also braless.
i don't know why taking a shower is such a big deal. you get in, you get wet and soapy, you get out. doesn't sound too hard. don't know what the big deal is.
my scars are itchy today. getting on my nerves. as if i'm not aware of them enough.
sean's supposed to call either today or tomorrow. just to check in. she has to go out of town tomorrow so we won't be meeting.
oliver is asleep on the sunporch. he's such a cutie. all stretched out.
i just made some COFFEE and the carafe wasn't set right. coffee all over the floor, the counter, a full basket of water. i hate when i do that. now i'm putting it through a clean cycle because of course, there were grounds all over the place. shit. poor me. i finally had to take the whole COFFEE maker over to the sink.
okay, hopefully this pot will work all right. damn, i hate it when i do that.
yay! this time it worked right. dummy me. good COFFEE. cold and strong.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:38 AM ::
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