Thursday, April 27, 2006
COFFEE fixed it
fixed my little dip into the world of alcohol. plus a nap didn't do any harm either. sean should be here any time now. i called to cancel and when she called back i "uncancelled."
i don't remember what i wrote in the previous post.
i think tomorrow is going to be the day when i ask for sean's help cleaning the apartment a bit. i hate to ask for her help. makes me feel like such a failure. i can do this myself but i just can't get the motivation. all it needs is a vacuum and a bit of dusting. this is the most dusty apt. that i've ever had. i don't know what makes it that way. i also need to get rid of a bunch of recycling. we don't have bins for that here. only the dumpster.
it's been down in the thirties at night here. i just put my thermostat to 50 and go upstairs and open a window up there. it makes it nice and comfortable to sleep. yesterday, i went up there and somehow the cats had gotten the comforter off the bed and were laying on it on the floor. i told them that that wasn't going to work well for me. so they gave up their spots and ended up on the bed. it was just ollie and ella and they kept me nice and warm. i couldn't move, but i was warm.
i just had to look to see what day it is. thank goodness the computer tells me. i should have known. going to dinner with my sister. but i thought it was wednesday. i'm all screwed up. we're going to meet at the restaurant at five-thirty. well, i'm going to be there at five-thirty, don't know exactly when my sister is going to arrive. it's funny because it's just down the road from her house but she can't seem to arrive on time. doesn't bother me. i've taken to waiting in the car and i just watch the people come and go. they get quite a few take out orders so there are plenty of people to watch. this place touts half price pizza everyday. but they charge twice as much for a pizza than anyone else does so it's really not a deal. they actually have a 40 dollar pizza on the menu. 40 bucks? for a pizza? (shudder.....)
Posted by Lisa ::
11:32 AM ::
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