Sunday, May 14, 2006
mother's day
i just went to the convenience store and they were giving away roses to the first 100 moms. they asked me if i was a mom,no. if i was going to see my mom,no. i should have fucked with them and said, geez, i hope not. that would have gotten interesting looks. (my mother is no longer living.)
mother's day doesn't make me sad. it's just another day. i should call my sister though. it might be hard on her. i don't know. plus, she's a mom, so she deserves the wish of a good day. i hope the son who is living there takes her out to dinner. and i'm sure her other son will bring her a beautiful plant to kill. i should have gotten her a card. didin't know it was mother's day until yesterday.
i have laryngitis again. i've been out of my allergy meds for a week. i really have to get them tomorrow. then my voice will clear up.
i have made a discovery. i like diet Pepsi better than diet Coke. does that make me odd? they were out of the 12packs of diet coke at the store but had diet pepsi so i got some. i like the taste better. it doesn't have as much of an aftertaste. hmmm....
and how long did it take me to come to that grand conclusion?
one of favorite quotes is by Freud. "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you." i don't what made me think of that.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:30 AM ::
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