Wednesday, May 03, 2006
i'm waiting for a pizza
onions, peppers and extra cheese. no, onions, mushrooms and extra cheese. yeah, that's it. it should be here anytime.too lazy to cook spaghetti. though now i'm thinking that i should have. thinking about the money. the spaghetti i already had.
but i really do want pizza and it will last me for a couple of days. i didn't eat much yesterday. sean was on my case for that.
i left a message for her to call if she got the voicemail today. i tried to call marsha but she wasn't in.
the nurse left a months worth of klonopin yesterday. i didn't notice it until this morning. i thought it was empty. i would taken it last night, if i'd known. cripes, lydia and i could have gotten together and both fell asleep during dinner. if i got that far in the car. i wish they were here now. how stupid of me for not seeing them on the table. stupid. stupid!
they never would have known what happened to them.
they just called about my pizza. said they had forgotten about it. they better give me a credit of some kind. i thought it was taking a long time. oh well. now it should be nice and hot when they bring it.
i really would have taken those pills last night. it would have required too much of me not to take them. they would have known. with me being so out of it still this morning. it would take a moron not to figure it out. why can't i be trusted to take my pills on my own. that is exactly the reason.
c'mon pizza. i can't remember the last time i ate anything. oh, i had a few tortilla chips this afternoon. a very few.
good pizza. it was peppers and mushrooms. i was close. i knew i ordered something with mushrooms.
i'm going to take nap now. can't think of anything better to do.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:14 PM ::
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