Wednesday, May 17, 2006
i'm a little upset right now. yesterday i got a call that sean wasn't in and wouldn't be able to keep our appt. today i got a call that she's on leave and he was talking about the rest of this week and next week. i asked if sean was all right. he said, yes, she's fine. well, how fine can she be if she's taking an unscheduled leave? i'm worried about her. what if something awful happened to a member of her family. seems like the guy could have given up a little information. i'm really upset. all kinds of things are running through my mind. none of them good. she was fine on monday. she was having the world's longest hot flash, but she was okay. i hate not knowing what's wrong. it scares me.
i took my trash out by myself again today. talksalot was out there. that'll teach me to check before going out. added an extra ten minutes to the task. she's suing one of the owners for harrassment. i don't understand t he whole thing but i do think it's the kind of thing that should have been voted on. she seems to be making a lot of decisions for the association.
okay, back to sean. can't get it out of my mind. fuck.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:36 AM ::
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