Saturday, May 20, 2006
Easter eggs and peanut butter
no, this post has nothing to do with either but i liked the way it sounded. nice and yucky.
i've calmed down a bit about sean. there's nothing i can do about it and worrying won't help.
it's really windy. all the whirly-gigs are coming down from the maple trees. one year, H was obsessed with picking all of the maple seedlings out of the lawn. i was of the mind to just let the lawnmower take care of them. but there he was, out with a bucket picking all of them out of the lawn. he was weird sometimes.
i took a shower!! no applause please. i had to go out and get cigarettes. that's what finally settled it. haven't made it out for COFFEE yet. i figure i'll go this evening when it's not so crowded. something to look forward to. the COFFEE, not the trip to the store. store=yuck. COFFEE= good.
okay, there's this couple across the street who lets their three year old out without supervision. the same couple who have several guns and loads of ammunition. (according to talksalot.) don't ask me how she knows this. but i'm concerned about the child. this is not a busy street but still. these days, anyone could scoop him up.
it feels much later than it is. maybe all the sleeping i've done today. i don't remember what time i got up for good. sometime after one, i think. the kitties were keeping me comfy in bed. actually, that sounds good about now.
the thought keeps coming to me that sean may not come back. that would be awful. best not think about that.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:32 AM ::
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