Tuesday, May 23, 2006
there i was, lamenting the fact that i couldn't afford coffee, when i suddenly remembered that i had year old gift certificates to dunkin donuts. my nephew had given them to me for Christmas. along with printed out maps to all of the dunkin donuts in the area. very sweet. not sure why he thought i was so big on dunkin donuts but boy did i appreciate those gift certificates yesterday. i had enough to get a pound of COFFEE!!! i'm enjoying some now. thank you nephew!
i cancelled my appt. with the squid because it's such a strain to talk. it seemed stupid to go in there and exhaust myself talking about her plants. although today i would be talking about sean.
i'm having lunch with H's father today. i haven't seen him in forever. and hopefully his girlfriend will be able to make it too. not H's girlfriend, his father's.
just got a call from the squid. she said that she'd gotten a message from sean. first sean wanted my permission to talk to the squid. no problem. the squid got the impression that sean wanted to relay some information that she couldn't give me directly. the squid said she'd call her back this morning and then call me. this whole thing seems like such a mess. it must be making sean crazy that she can't be in touch with her clients. she's very dedicated. but i guess you all know that by now.
sean's agency is open now. i wonder if either of the people i called there will call me back. actually, i called three people there. i guess i was really desperate for information yesterday. i still am but i'm not pulling my hair out about it this morning.
although now that i'm writing about it, i'm getting worked up again. okay, next subject.
oh, i found my underwear. it was thrown on the base of the excercise bicycle. don't know why i didn't see it before. though it is usually dark in there whenever i'm in there. i don't turn on the bedroom light cause i don't have shades or anything up. and obviously i'm not using my bike very much or i'd have discovered the underwear on the pedal. i must have thrown them at the dirty laundry pile and fallen short.
the program manager from sean's office just called. he said that she was on leave. that nothing had been decided about whether she was leaving or not. that she was on leave and if that changed, he would tell me. didn't sound very encouraging. he kept saying the same thing over and over again. i said the wrap up thank you about three times but he just continued to stumble his way through what he'd already said. i hate it when people don't know when to hang up. damn, i feel worse after talking to him. i don't like him. nope, not at all. shit. i'm really upset.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:51 AM ::
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