Sunday, June 04, 2006
lost more weight
the good thing about going to the dr. was that they weighed me and i've lost more weight.
my voice is coming back. the cats can no longer point and laugh.
it still hasn't sunk in that sean isn't going to be around anymore. they'll no longer be a reason to stay up in the mornings after the nurse comes. i imagine i'm going to be doing a lot of sleeping.
i hope that i'll have some say in who i'll be seeing instead of sean. there's one woman, pam, whom i know a little bit.she's very hyper but i like her. sean was the opposite of hyper. very laid back. god, i'm going to miss her. damn. why did this have to happen? i'd come to trust her. not something that comes easily to me. at all. it took me almost two years to trust her. the starting over with someone else, i don't look forward to it. i'd like to kick the ass of the person who caused this. seriously. i wonder if sean will be able to keep her word about not bailing on me. probably not. she's no doubt forbidden to have contact with any of her former clients.
i talked to my sister this morning. well noontime. she doesn't have her schedule for next week yet. she's going to get it tomorrow and we might go to dinner on a day she has off. hopefully it will be thursday, prime rib night. i think i'm going to get a pizza tonight. my fridge contains tortillas, salsa and carrots. interesting combination.
my trash smells. sean would have helped me get it out to the dumpster last week. i just don't feel brave enough to get it out right now. i'll do it tomorrow while people are at work.
i'm going to see marsha this afternoon. i think i can talk to her about sean. just because the squid is away, i feel that i need to talk to her. she'll be gone all this week and call me a week from tomorrow. and i'll see her the next day. she's the only one who seems to get what a big deal losing sean is. the barbarian acted like it was nothing. sometimes people can be so clueless.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:07 PM ::
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