Monday, May 29, 2006
pocket change and glee
thank goodness for pocket change! today it bought creamer for ella and myself. i could do without it but ella is used to having it. and i have to admit that my iced coffee tastes better with a little creamer in it. thus, the glee.
two and a half hours til the condo meeting. here come the chest pains. talkslot has already been over here to tell me that it's being held outside because she doesn't feel like cleaning her house. it's very hot and humid out. should be fun to watch each other sweat.
the squid called this morning. she's very prompt. she's going on vacation, not this week but next week. she said that she'd call sean before then and try to get some information. it feels like it's been forever since i talked to sean. i've lost all track of time.
it's so hot, i'm toying with the idea of not wearing my long sleeve shirt to hide the scars. i don't know. haven't made up my mind yet. i guess i'll make up my mind as i'm going out the door.
i'm really not looking forward to this. looks like we're going to have a hell of a thunderstorm.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:49 PM ::
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