Sunday, May 28, 2006
lawn balls and cement shoes
well, in addition to the lawn ball, neighbor #2 now has a planter that looks like cement boots. good grief.
i realized that i can't invite myself over to my sister's for dinner tomorrow because we have a fucking condo meeting that i said that i'd go to. i don't know why she made it on a holiday. idiot. i was imagining burgers on the grill. with melted cheese. lots of mayonaise, maybe a slice of tomato. okay, now i'm hungry.
neighbor #2's lilacs are all dead! hurray! i can breathe again. lilacs and cut grass make me feel like i'm smothering. even with my allergy meds.
sounds like the roos are having an argument. lovely.first time i've heard them argue. now sounds like she's vacuuming the same room over and over again. probably running the vacuum just to piss him off. no better way to shut up a man than to vacuum. well, maybe a few other ways.
it's a beautiful day here. i have no desire to get out. but i do have the doors open. though there doesn't seem to be much of a breeze. my weather pixie says it's 75 but i think it's warmer than that.
all the cats are asleep. sometime during the night, the cats and i pushed the comforter onto the floor. much easier to find than underwear.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:38 AM ::
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