Wednesday, May 31, 2006
the barbarian
met with her at noontime. no news about sean. i only had one quarter to put in the meter but some how didn't get a ticket. yay! a quarter gives you 30 minutes and i was there for almost an hour. i was early, she was late. you must have to be chronically late to work at that office.
i under cooked my spaghetti last night. actually i had it at two in the morning. crunchy spaghetti. not good.
i'll try again tonight.
both the Roos are home early. she-Roo is planting flowers in the back. i wish i gave a shit to do something like that. though i do have a rose bush out there. i didn't plant it. it came with the condo. actually there are two bushes. one in the back of the house and one on the side. the one on the side didn't flower last year but the other one bloomed until october, white roses.
i have peonies in the front yard. they should be blooming any day now. i'll take a picture when it does. i think they're peonies, somebody told me that. don't remember who it was.
i was asleep when regular nurse came this morning. the clozaril makes it hard to wake up. last night i took it and stayed up. i was walking into things. felt like i was drunk. couldn't focus on the puter screen with or without my glasses. it was hard to keep my eyes open. eventually went to bed. woke up a couple hours later and had my crunchy spaghetti. left a mess in the kitchen and went back to bed. i think i woke up because my stomach was growling. i hadn't had anything to eat all day.
one thing i can say for the clozaril is that it's really helped my dreaming. i don't wake up exhausted because i've dreamed all kinds of disturbing things. now i just have normal dreams. well, what i consider normal. it's a great relief.
oliver is so cute. he's stretched out on the bare floor in front of the door. he must be getting a little breeze there.
the wire just came out of my bra. damned walmart products! now i'm crooked.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:34 PM ::
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