Sunday, April 09, 2006
not much to say
i got up on time this morning thanks to ella. made myself as presentable as i could with no shower in four days. then sat on the couch and dozed. drooling into my cleavage. it kept waking me up. when the nurse knocked on the door it scared the crap out of me. she was only bringing one pill that they didn't have when the nurse came on friday.
it's a beautiful day out. i should at least be sitting on the steps. or the sun porch. but my behind is stuck to the couch. if i still lived in the old house, i'd be on the back porch in the sun. or on the hammock under the tree. gosh, i miss that house. i still have dreams about it all the time. had one last night. i was going to evict the people living on the other side of the house so that my sister could move in. not with bumblefuck. just she and her pets. so the dream actually made sense.
even though there's a fire warning, there's some idiot burning in his driveway.well he's not burning, he's burning brush.
i feel like i just did my good deed for the day. can't tell you what it was, it's a surprise for someone. don't you just love it when someone tells you half of a story? hehehehe
okay, i'm going to take a shower today. i went out for cigarettes looking like hell. i find that i just don't care anymore. the only time i really make an effort is when i'm going to be seeing my sister. she says it upsets her when my hair isn't combed and i have spots on my shirt. so i attempt to be well-kempt no matter if the smiles and laughter are fake. i just emailed my sister to see if she wanted to do lunch or dinner this week.
i just tried to post a pic to the great oval, but it didn't work. sorry. it was of a billboard in Dallas. it read:
Don't make me come down there.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:19 AM ::
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